The Jewel of the Nile

The Jewel of the Nile is a 1985 actionadventure romantic comedy and a sequel to the 1984 film Romancing the Stone, with Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, and Danny DeVito reprising their roles. Directed by Lewis Teague, the film sends its characters off on a new adventure in a fictional African desert, in an effort to find the precious Jewel of the Nile. The film was a box office success.

During her stay at his palace, Joan discovers that Omar is a brutal dictator, who imprisons her until she agrees to finish the fluff piece that will introduce him to the world as an enlightened ruler that will unite the Arab world. In the palace jail she meets a holy man, AlJulhara Arabic for The Jewel, Avner Eisenberg, who is in fact the Jewel of the Nile. Realizing that he is the only one who can stop Omar, Joan offers to take AlJulhara to Kadir herself. The pair escape the palace, and with the help of Jack who hijacks an F16 Fighting Falcon fighter jet, are able to flee Omars army into the desert. Ralph, who provides much of the films comic relief, is left to fend for himself in the desert and thus joins with the rebel Sufi tribe led by Tarak that has sworn to protect the Jewel so he can fulfill his destiny.After Jacks battle for Joans hand, with the son of a Nubian mountain African tribe chief, Joan breaks the news to Jack, that the Jewel is in fact AlJulhara who is the true spiritual leader of the Arab people. Omar plans on using an English rock amp roll technicians Daniel Peacock smoke and mirrors special effects at an upcoming festival, planned by Omar, to convince the Arab world that he is in fact a prophet that will unite the Arab world under his rule. Jack, Joan and AlJulhara decide to crash the festival in Kadir and unmask Omar as the fraud that he is. However, they are all captured and Omar sets up an elaborate and fiendish trap from The Savage Secret, Joans most popular novel. Jack and Joan are suspended over a deep pit the ropes holding up Jack are soaked with goats blood and being rapidly chewed away by rats, while those supporting Joan are slowly being dissolved by drops of acid. AlJulhara, however, is simply locked up in stocks. As Omar leaves them to their fate, they are found later and inadvertently saved by Ralph, who along with Tarak and his Sufi followers have come to rescue AlJulhara. ........

Source: Wikipedia